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Talia Granick

Talia Granick

Talia is a senior majoring in Public Policy with a minor in Computer Science. Originally from St. Louis, MO, she moved to Raleigh, NC for high school. On campus, she holds several leadership positions, including Director of SHAPE, Duke’s largest student-led sexual harassment and assault prevention organization, and Senator for Campus Life in Duke Student Government. She is also a member of Business Oriented Women and Vice President of Marketing for her sorority. Talia has worked as an Intern at the Duke Office of Government Relations and as a Research Assistant at the Duke University School of Law Center for Firearms Law. Her public policy interests include reproductive healthcare, voting rights, and sustainability. After graduation, she will join KPMG LLP as a State and Local Solutions Associate in the Health and Government practice.

Honors Thesis: Navigating the Legal Landscape: The Impact of Missouri’s Abortion Laws on Healthcare Providers’ Autonomy and Abortion Care Provision

Faculty Advisor: Professor Jolynn Dellinger