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Anushri Saxena

Anushri Saxena

Anushri Saxena is a Public Policy and Global Health double major with interests in human rights and health equity. Born and raised in Texas, her passion for reproductive rights stems from her upbringing in the American South, where regressive policies and inequitable power structures have given rise to some of the most compelling social justice organizing in the United States. At Duke, Anushri has explored reproductive rights in depth through her Bass Connections research team, where she is creating an audio archive documenting the post-Roe reproductive health care landscape through oral histories with providers. Anushri‘s other involvements on campus include the Human Rights Student Advisory Board, the Duke University Wind Symphony, the North Carolina Student Voting Rights Lab, and the Hart Leadership Program. As a Service Opportunities in Leadership Fellow, she spent a summer interning with the Montrose Center, a non-profit providing health and social services to Houston’s LGBTQ+ community. After graduation, Anushri hopes to gain practical experience in public policy before eventually pursuing a law degree or an MPP.

Honors Thesis: Crisis Pregnancy Centers Post-Roe v. Wade: Correlates of State Variation in Anti-Abortion Fake Clinics

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wesley Hogan