Maya Sood

MPP Class of 2026Maya Sood

Maya Sood is a graduate of Vanderbilt University (2022) with degrees in Public Policy and Women’s and Gender Studies with a specialization in gender-based violence and crisis diplomacy. Originally from Los Angeles, Sood has experience in activist, legal, and political fields, interning for the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office in the Department of Family Violence, the Voter Empowerment Project, and the office of Congressional Representative Ted Lieu. During her time at Vanderbilt, Sood cultivated a passion for national security policy and, more significantly, for the political economy of sexual gender-based violence. Outside of the classroom, she served as the chair of Vanderbilt Student Government’s Sexual Assault Prevention Committee where she consulted with the University’s administration to develop best practices of implementing Title IX policies and advocated for the rights of campus survivors. As a JD/MPP dual-degree candidate, Sood hopes to bring legal and political fields together to develop strong, wholistic approaches to global conflict. In her free time, Sood is an avid artist and painter and enjoys old-school Rock music and any activity that puts her near an ocean.

Areas of Policy Interest: