Welcome to Sanford’s Hub for Wellness
Hello! We are glad you are here. Please, utilize the table of content to navigate the Wellness Resources at Sanford. They are open to all graduate and professional students and fellows.
For more up to date information please visit: Sanford Graduate and Professional Wellness Resources | Sanford School of Public Policy (duke.edu).
Table of Contents
- Upcoming Events & Programs
- What is wellness?
- Why is wellness important?
- How to start examining your personal wellness.
- How can Sanford help your wellness journey?
- Wellness Office Hours
- Mental Health Mondays
- Campus Resources
- At-Home Resources
Upcoming Events & Programs
Have a program request or idea? Please fill out the Wellness Program Intake Form.
The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as “the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.”
Why is wellness important?
The pursuit of being well can improve quality of life, balance, and overall performance. Wellness is not a one-size fits all concept. That is why it’s important to consider what areas of wellness you find difficult to prioritize, need improvement, and you feel are going well. We know many of you are balancing academic, career, and personal matters. Prioritizing wellness can sometimes feel like just one more thing on your “to-do” list. Sanford wants to ensure you have the resources to help incorporate wellness into your daily routine.
How to start examining your personal wellness.
Wellness can sometimes feel like an overwhelming or unfamiliar concept. DuWell has created a great model (see above) on how to begin to examine personal wellness. Breaking down wellness into dimensions can help make it easier to balance and understand where you are on your wellness journey. The dimensions of wellness include financial, intellectual, environmental, mind-body, social, and spiritual. To learn more about the wellness tree, you can check out DuWell’s website.
How can Sanford support your wellness journey?
- Sign up below for an individual meeting with Sanford’s Student Wellness & Engagement Coordinator.
- Attend a Mental Health Monday event.
- Take time to visit and utilize our Safe Space.
- Continue to check our calendar for upcoming wellness events throughout the academic year.
Student Wellness Session
Need assistance navigating resources, mental health concern, or navigating an area of wellness? Making an appointment with Sanford’s Student Wellness and Engagement Coordinator can be a helpful tool when navigating any of the following areas:
- Mental health concern (feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, or other)
- Explanation and assistance navigating university resources (CAPS, DuWell, Student Health)
- Financial assistance (food, housing, clothing, community resources)
- A space to process tough life decisions
- Improving your well-being (physical or mental)
- Accountability for goals
Please, click here to schedule a wellness session. All in-person sessions will take place in Rubenstein 170.
Sanford is committed to improving wellness for all members of our community. We aim to provide equitable care that is convenient and impactful for students. If you need assistance before your scheduled appointment, please utilize the Blue Devils Care App and register with your email address where you can receive 24/7 on-demand mental health support. If you or someone is facing a life threating emergency, call 9-1-1.
Click here to view the Duke Privacy Statement.
Mental Health Mondays
Join us on Mondays for Sanford’s student led mental health programming. Sanford provides weekly activities, listening groups, workshops, or meditation catered towards graduate student’s interest in prioritizing their well-being. The events will be shared via the PPS & MIDP listerservs in a weekly wellness newsletter on Wednesdays. Please, contact mackenzie.phillips@duke.edu with any questions or concerns.
Have a mental health program you would like to see at Sanford? Maybe you have a wellness ritual you would like to share with your peers? We are open to suggestions and providing a space for students to educate their peers.
Mental Health Mondays: Every Monday from 12:00-1:00 pm.
Location: Sanford 102
Campus Resources
- Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
- Center for Multicultural Affairs
- Center for Muslim Life
- Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
- Dean of Students
- DukeReach
- DuWell
- International House (IHOUSE)
- Jewish Life at Duke
- Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture
- Student Conduct
- Student Health
- Women’s Center
At-Home Resources
- DuWell Wellness Self- Assessment: This tool is a great in helping you assess what areas of wellness are going well, need improvement, or where you might want to make adjustments. The assessment can be the first step in prioritizing your wellness. Your submission is anonymous, and you receive a personal copy of your results. If you want to process your results, feel free to reach out to the Sanford’s Student Wellness & Engagement Coordinator.
- Positive Journal Worksheet: Life can be stressful and scientifically our brain typically focuses more on our negative experiences. This journal can be a great visual for you to sit and think about the things that are going well. It is a simple, but effective reminder of the moments of joy that occur daily. Examples: My favorite song came on the radio, I got to enjoy the sunshine.
- Mindfulness Meditation: A guide on how to shift your daily habits to become mindful meditation.
- What is anxiety?: A guide that breaks down the symptoms, types, and effective treatment options.
- Depression Information Sheet: A brief overview of the facts and figures of depression.
- Personal Finance @ Duke: Check out their website to learn more about how to budget, save, taxes and more. You can even schedule a personal appointment with a financial counselor.
- Self-Care Tips: A simple overview of how self-care can become part of your lifestyle.
- Balancing Committed Relationships & Grad School: Duke’s Counseling & Psychological Services has an awesome resource on their webpage that provides support for juggling relationships and graduate school.