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New Student Organizations

Students interested in creating a new student organization must complete a process that includes researching other similar student organizations on campus. If you are interested in starting a new organization, please contact the Student Wellness & Engagement Coordinator.

Steps to start an organization at Sanford:

  • First, reach out to the MPP Student Council to present your organization idea to their team. This must include your organizations constitution, mission statement, leadership team, and 10 additional members.
  • Once approved by the Council, you then will apply for acceptance to the Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG).
  • The application process is via Materials required are included in their online application.
  • While pending approval, familiarize themselves with the procedures and policies of University Center Activities & Events (UCAE), the division of Duke Student Affairs that governs all student organization activities.

Requirements after your organization has been approved by the MPP Student Council, Student Affairs & GPSG:

  • Groups must maintain good standing with GPSG and re-register every August in a timely manner to remain an active organization.
  • Complete the mandatory student organization trainings (financial, social host, leadership development).
  • Apply through GPSG for a dedicated UCAE fund code to enable the organization to collect revenue and disburse/reimburse funds.
  • Adhere to all policies outlined here to ensure timely and accurate reimbursement for expenses incurred by organization representatives.