In addition to the resources and support services available to students within the Sanford School, MPP’s have access to University facilities, resources, and programs to meet their needs and expand their knowledge and skills beyond the classroom. Some frequently accessed campus resources are listed below. Please see the MPP Director of Student Services (172 Rubenstein Hall) to for additional information or referrals to specific offices.
Health and Wellness
Student Health
This is the primary resource for health care services at Duke, offering general medical care, nutrition counseling, immunizations, physical therapy, allergy immunotherapy, a pharmacy, and other services.
- Introduction Video
- Student Health Website
- Appointments: 919-681-9355
- Location: Student Wellness Center, 305 Towerview Drive, across the street from Sanford
DuWell helps students focus on their individual wellness by looking at the integration of many areas of their life through areas of wellness promotion and risk mitigation.
CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services)
This office provides individual, couples, and group counseling services as well as health coaching and workshops to build and enhance life skills that allow students to thrive in graduate school.
- CAPS Website
- Phone: 919-660-1000
- Location: Inside the Student Wellness Center, 305 Towerview Drive, across the street from Sanford
Student Disability Access Office
This office is dedicated to providing and coordinating accommodations, support services and programs that enable students with disabilities to have equal access to all Duke programs, activities and services. Students qualifying as disabled in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and/or the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 should contact this office as early as possible to initiate the accommodations request process.
- Student Disability Access Office Website
- Phone: 919-668-1267
- Location: 402 Oregon Street; Suites 102 and 103
Women’s Center
This center offers support and services to promote gender equity and prevent and address instances of gender violence. All members of the Duke community are welcome to consult with center staff and participate in center-sponsored activities.
- Women’s Center Website
- Confidential Crisis Support: 919-684-3897 (M-F, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM)
- Location: Crowell Hall – 10 Epworth Lane; East Campus
Is a collaborative university program which connects students in crisis to the appropriate counseling, medical, and personal assistance services they need. Members of the Duke community may complete a DukeReach report via the web to share concern about a student’s health or behavior.
- DukeReach Website
- Phone: 919-681-2455
Culture and Identity
International House
Celebrating its 51st year in 2016, this center provides educational services, outreach, and advocacy to international students and their families as well as other members of the Duke community who want opportunities to socialize and engage with international students. Popular IHouse programs and services include Duke Language Partners, Global Café, and Connect/Learn/Grow.
- International House Website
- Phone: 919-684-3585
- Location: 300 Alexander Avenue (Central Campus)
Center for Multicultural Affairs
This center serves as a space for students to learn how to navigate a complex cultural environment from unique, multicultural perspectives. The center frequently sponsors panel discussions, workshops, and events to explore issues about race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, national origin, and gender.
- Center for Multicultural Affairs Website
- Phone: 919-684-6756
- Location: 0010 Bryan Center
Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture
This center strives to cultivate cultivate understanding, build community, and foster appreciation for Black culture as well as provide support services that contribute to successful academic and personal development of Black students at Duke University.
- Mary Lou Williams Center Website
- Phone: 919-684-3814
- Location: 101 Flowers Building
Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
The mission of this center is to provide education, advocacy, mentoring and support for LGBTQ and allied students, staff, faculty, and alumni/ae. During the academic year, the center maintains a very active calendar of events and programs as well as training programs for allies, and in 2015, a dedicated online magazine (WE magazine) celebrating the gender diverse community at Duke.
- Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity Website
- Phone: 919-684-6607
- Location: 100 Bryan Center
Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute
This interdisciplinary center includes faculty, staff, and students interested in promoting human rights and is committed to the goal of social justice and the study of accountability and reconciliation. Sanford faculty members Bob Korstad, Sandy Darity, Catherine Admay, and Bob Cook-Deegan are affiliated with the center.
- Human Rights Center Website
- Location: Smith Warehouse; 114 S. Buchanan Blvd. 1st Floor, Bays 4 & 5