Emily Magen, she/her

Class of 2026Emily Magen

LinkedIn Profile >

Emily earned her BA in Educational Studies at Davidson College in 2020 and worked as a high school Spanish teacher in Charlotte until 2022. She is now a third-year graduate student at Duke, pursuing both a Master of Divinity and a Master of Public Policy. At the Divinity School, Emily is concentrating in Prison Studies and Faith-Based Organizing, Advocacy, and Social Transformation. She is interested in the overlaps between public theology and social equity, particularly as they relate to education, housing, and re-entry. Emily currently serves on Duke’s Graduate and Professional Student Government as the Director of Durham Relations. Though North Carolina has been home since 2016, Emily grew up in New Hampshire and is a fan of all things fall. An introvert at heart, she enjoys drinking tea, baking, gardening, and completing jigsaw puzzles.

Areas of Policy Interest: