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MPP Student Council

2023-2024 MPP Student Council Representatives

Click here to read the bios and learn more about your representatives.

  • Abu Ishti – President
  • Arely Caba– Vice President
  • Jordan Wilson – Council Liaison
  • Jeanine Liu – Treasurer
  • Karla Gutierrez-Alfaro – Secretary
  • Victor Nieto – Honor Board Representative
  • Crystal Card– Second–Year Representative
  • Brittany Gabriel – Second-Year Representative
  • Lola James– First–Year Representative
  • Fleming Beaver – First–Year Representative
  • Uzo Biosah – Dual–Degree Representative
  • Maria Mohyuddin– International Student Representative
  • Keanu Valibia — GPSG President
  • Omolayo Ojurongbe – GPSG Secretariat

*Vacant roles will be filled during the Fall 2023 MPPSC election.

Student Council Flow Map

Flow Map for Student Council Support

Student Council Meeting Notes

Please see below for notes from the most recent meeting of the MPP Student Council

Student Council Meeting Notes