The in-person graduation event (5/5 at 9 AM EST) will be live-streamed on the Sanford YouTube channel. This is the best way to watch the graduation as is has live captioning.
For those who cannot access YouTube, you can find an alternative webinar link and password to view the livestream here.
Please click this link to join the Zoom Webinar.
Passcode: 236391
Or One tap mobile:
US: +13017158592,,95792516607# or +13126266799,,95792516607#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782
Webinar ID: 957 9251 6607
International numbers available: