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Our Mission

Alleviate some of the challenges that survivors of gender-violence face by raising awareness through robust advocacy campaigns and working with national organizations to come up with innovative approaches for getting resources and help to survivors.

Our Work

Our current work falls into 3 broad streams of data analysis, outreach and advocacy, and research and policy solutions:

  • Data Analysis: We are hoping to implement a long-term data gathering mechanism for shelters and crisis response centers to report on the utilization and needs of their organizations. Further, we are hoping to collaborate with the National Network to End Domestic Violence to help support their data analysis efforts during their September census.
  • Outreach and Advocacy: Our goal is to create materials to educate organizations and individuals on how to support victims of gender violence. We’ve currently produced infographics to distribute at essential locations like grocery stores across the country.
  • Research and Policy Solutions: We are conducting research into different approaches the federal and state governments can take to mitigate the rise in gender violence during the public health emergency.